We can chase many things—vocations, professions, and occupations. But only one pursuit matters… Do you know what it is?
My goal is to pursue the right things. I want to choose that which gives me the greatest chance of fulfillment, success, and more. More opportunity, more of the good that life and the Creator of it has to offer. Including helping those whose lives that I touch around me; my family, my colleagues, my employees, and even strangers. I also want to help you find the “more” that all of us yearn for…
If you want discover more for your life, I invite you to join me on The Pursuit!
If you’re doing something else while you read this post, you’re not getting the full picture. The same is true in all areas of our lives.
Hope is often difficult to find in a broken world. Could the reason be that we’ve misunderstood what true hope looks like?
What happens if we believe something is true when it isn’t? The impact can be detrimental, and Jesus is quick to remind us of this danger.
You’ve likely heard the saying, “Put your money where your mouth is.” What if we could also put our money where our heart is?
Fasting isn’t a popular teaching today, but it’s as relevant and important now as it’s ever been.
Sometimes, as our friends at Charmin toilet paper often remind us, less is more. In fact, this can even be true about our prayers.