Have You Tried His Way?
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10 NKJV
We’ve all been there—trying to figure out life on our own terms, doing things our way, and hoping for the best. It feels empowering at first, doesn’t it? The thrill of being in control, making decisions, and chasing dreams your way. If you’re like me, you’ve probably hit those moments when your way just… doesn’t work.
It can leave you feeling empty, frustrated, or even defeated. That’s because we’re up against a thief. Jesus tells us plainly in John 10:10: the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The thief isn’t here to just inconvenience you—he’s here to rob you of your peace, your joy, and your purpose.
Here’s the good news: Jesus didn’t stop there. He said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
More abundantly. Think about that for a moment. Jesus isn’t talking about a mediocre, just-getting-by kind of life. He’s offering an overflowing, purpose-filled, joy-abundant life—a life you can only experience when you stop trying your way and start living His way.
What does that look like?
Living His way means surrender. It’s letting go of the illusion of control and trusting the One who knows the end from the beginning. It’s trading our limited understanding for His infinite wisdom. It’s admitting that, on our own, we’re like sheep wandering in the wilderness—with Him, we have a Good Shepherd who leads us to green pastures.
Living His way also means following His voice. In the verses leading up to John 10:10, Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd whose sheep know His voice. Are you listening? Or are the noise and distractions of life drowning out the gentle call of the One who wants to guide you?
Living His way means choosing abundance over scarcity. The enemy wants you to believe that surrendering to Jesus means giving up everything good in life. The opposite is true. When you choose His way, you gain a peace that doesn’t make sense in the middle of chaos. You gain a joy that isn’t tied to your circumstances. You gain a purpose that’s bigger than yourself.
Let me ask you this: Have you tried His way?
If you’re tired of running in circles, chasing a life that doesn’t satisfy, maybe it’s time to surrender. Maybe it’s time to listen to His voice. Maybe it’s time to step into the abundant life He’s offering.
The thief will always try to pull you away, and Jesus is standing at the door, inviting you in. The choice is yours.
If this resonates with you, share it with someone who needs to hear it. If you’ve experienced the abundant life that comes from living His way, share your story—I’d love to hear how God has transformed your life!
Are you ready to stop doing it your way? Check out The Abide Factor and The Abide Factor Student Workbook for practical tools to help you grow in your walk with God. These resources are designed to guide you toward the abundant life Jesus promises.
If you’re looking for someone to help you grow in your faith journey, consider a monthly mentorship through ProvenResults Mentors. Sign up for a free 30-minute Discovery Call here. Let’s walk this path together!